Category Archives: People

Hairless monkies

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

I took these photos back in October of 2010. I was going to meet my wife downtown for dinner and a movie, and had some time to kill. It was a very windy and cloudy day, which made for some nice dramatic skies, so I thought I would take some shots from the Brooklyn Bridge. I was finding it hard to get any angles of the bridge that I hadn’t seen before, so I took a new approach… photos of people taking photos of the bridge.

It turned out to be a lot of fun. My favorite shot is #6. He looks like he is praying to the sky, but he’s actually looking taking a shot of the rigging. The other shot I really like is #10. The guy on the left saw the woman in red taking a picture with her slr, and decided she knew what she was doing and copied her shot. I had to laugh, because I’ve had people do the same thing when I was shooting with my slr.

One of the photo tips you read about often is to turn around and look behind you when taking photos of a sunset. Sometimes the best shots are not where you think they will be. In my case, they were standing next to me doing the same thing I was.

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge
He was leaning back… trying to get a little bit wider shot.

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge
Nice view of Brooklyn in the back

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge

Photographing the Brooklyn Bridge
(Click here to see the “before” image)

Thinking Inside the Box

Thinking Inside the Box
Thinking Inside the Box

While not as extreme as the Cardboard Office, my friend/co-worker Mike was trying to come with ideas for gaining some privacy in our temporary office space. I’ve resorted to a pair of Sennheiser EH-150’s to block out the world… but his approach does a better job of getting the point across. On the technical side, the photo was taken with my iPhone… not my first choice in photographic tools, but it’s always there when a quick snap is needed. The crappy lens adds a nice soft glow to the image.