Tag Archives: Commute

The Ebony Hillbillies

The Ebony Hillbillies
The Ebony Hillbillies

It was a rough commute yesterday. Something happened with the fragile wires that make the trains go into Penn Station, and my morning commute turned into a 3 hour annoyance. I felt really bad for the guy across the aisle from me. He was headed for an important meeting, and I could feel the stress building in each cell phone call to his boss/customer/client as he tried to keep them happy. After leaving work at the end of the day, I headed back to Penn to see what awaited me for my commute back home. Luckily for me, the trains were running on schedule, *and* I got to listen to the fine Bluegrass of the Ebony Hillbillies. It took the edge off at the end of a long day. Just wanted to give them a quick shout out from a grateful commuter.