Tag Archives: photo

Welcome to NYC!

I had been watching the scheduled arrival of the Space Shuttle Enterprise, with the hope that I would be able to get a few photos. I work a few blocks from Pier 40 on the Hudson river, so myself and a few co-workers took a quick morning break to capture this bittersweet flyby. To get the Shuttle “Money Shot” you needed to be on the Jersey side of the river, in a helicopter at a slightly higher altitude so you could get the skyline and the shuttle in the frame. This shot is my favorite.

After stopping at JFK Airport, the Enterprise will find its final home at the Intrepid Museum. While there is some controversy about NY being one of the states to receive a retired shuttle, I have a feeling that it may become one of the most visited one.

Man on Red Stairs

The red stairs at Duffy Square sit on top of the TKTS booth on Broadway. I was hoping to climb up and take a few shots early this morning, but they were not open yet. A couple of workers were cleaning them in the freezing wind. I took my gloves off for a few minutes to get the shot, and my hands were stinging when I was done. Every time I pass the stairs at night, I give up after seeing the long line of people waiting to climb them. I think they should get a bunch of these guys in the red coveralls and a Marilyn Monroe lookalike to do a classic dance number up there… somebody get to work on that.